



Pastel Excellence at 125

New Ashgate Gallery in Farnham, Surrey is hosting this show to commemorate 125 years of the Pastel Society. The show features work from a select but broad group of Society Members. I am showing three landscapes, Cornish Sands I, Cornish Sands II and Vale of the White Horse (below).

VALE OF THE WHITE HORSE Pastel on paper 39 x 94.5cm (framed)

Pastel Society Group Exhibition

Linden Hall Studio in Deal, Kent hosts a show by a group of Pastel Society Members from Saturday, March 2 to Saturday, March 30. I will be showing three works including Red Garden and the smaller Low Tide at Albert Bridge (below).

LOW TIDE AT ALBERT BRIDGE Pastel on paper 41.5x42cm (framed)

Pastel Society Exhibition 2024

This year has kicked off with the 125th Annual Pastel Society show, entitled Remarkable. Good to see the show back at the top of the Mall Gallery's calender after several years of change. I'm showing four works and was very impressed at the overall quality of the art on dispay. Well worth a visit. The exhibition runs until Saturday, February 10th.

Photograph © Mark Sepple

If you can't attend in person, the exhibition can also be viewed online. Click on the image below.

WINTER SUN Pastel on paper 110x85cm (framed)


2023 has definitely picked up where 2022 left off with lots of exhibitions including a foray over the Channel to Bourges, France. It is also the year in which I am holding my first solo show in several years at Artwave West, Lyme Regis.

Chelsea Art Society
Autumn CAS Members Exhibition

Currently open and viewable online, the exhibition takes place 4-12th November at 340 Kings Road, just a stone's throw from the Bluebird restaurant.

Embankment charcoal on paper 50 x 40cm

London can be such a moody atmospheric place.

Caribbean Colour - Solo Show

I'm very proud to announce a solo show, Caribbean Colour, that is being held in Artwave West, Lyme Regis until 24 November 2023. Twenty years after the trip to Morocco that profoundly affected the colours I use in my work, I found myself in Jamaica this February. Maybe it was the crystal clear waters, maybe it was the winter sunshine, maybe it was the pelicans or maybe it was the tiny footprints in the sand left by hundreds of baby turtles that hatched on the night of a full moon; whatever the reason, the vivid colours, the hummingbirds and the palm trees of that glorious island have stayed right with me and keep on cropping up when I pick up a brush or a pastel. Follow the link below or visit the gallery to see for yourself if you find yourself near the Dorset Coast!

Turtle Beach pastel on paper 120 x 92cm

Mall Galleries Fundraising Auction

On Mon 16 October an online auction of postcard sized art work and small sculptures was held by Mall Galleries. I was among good company of many Federation of British Artists members who together raised over £30,000 for charity. The auction process was really exciting (artists' names were hidden until the day after bidding was over & bidding stayed open until 60 seconds without a single bid had passed). It got very intense. There were some great little works on offer, two of which are now on my wall at home. I have to admit I'm really looking forward to the next one!

Pastel Society Exhibition 2023

Held this year as usual in the Mall Galleries but unusually in May, 2023's exhibition comprises a wide variety of work in pastel and other dry media. I was involved in the hanging and it was a real pleasure to see the 350 works up close before the launch on Tuesday, May 23. The quality of the work by candidate-members in particular gives me great hope for the future of the Society and the standard of work it endeavours to encourage and support. The exhibition is open to all until Saturday, June 3.

May 13 - 28. Salon International d'Art de Bourges

An exhibition devoted to pastels held this year in the remarkable circular Chateau d'eau, originally a highly decorative 14-metre high water tower built in 1865 which features around its indoor circumference a series of four-metre wide alcoves, each set back two metres. I was allocated two alcoves and really enjoyed filling the space with 12 works which hopefully did the venue and my top-billing justice.

It was an honour to be invited to exhibit and I thoroughly enjoyed my short time in Bourges in the lead up to the opening. The organiser, Sylvie Boucard could not have been more helpful and generous. In fact, everyone I met was warm and welcoming. It was a novel experience to feel so at home in an unknown place. I have to admit I was charmed by the city's mix of modern and old - Bourges Cathedral with its remarkable butresses and stained glass is little more than a stone's throw from the recently completed Maison de la Culture, for example. Deputy Mayor Yannick Bedin kindly presented me with a beautiful book about the cathedral that I shall treasure.


2022 is proving to be a very busy year for exhibiting my work. I continue to be inspired by all I see around me in the Vale of the White Horse, a peaceful haven far removed from the destructive and discordant forces that seem to rage the world over. These are turbulent times in which we live and nature remains for me a touchstone that always brings calm and solace. Through my work I try to capture and convey just a hint of that unmistakable essence.

Royal West of England Academy 169 Annual Open Exhibition

Blue Shadows oil and pastel on canvas

Blue Shadows is one of two works that have been selected for the Royal West of England Academy 169 Annual Open Exhibition in Bristol. The Exhibition runs from Saturday 8 October 2022 to Sunday 8 January 2023 with a private view 5pm - 9pm on Saturday the eighth.


Blue Shadows oil and pastel on canvas 57cm x 82cm
Photo: Jeannette Hayes

Great Summer Art Auction for Marie Curie

Blue Seas Oil and pastel on paper

I am happy to report that GARDEN PINK, which was donated for auction, sold at Marie Curie's private view of the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy in London on 20 July, 2022. It is an honour to be able to support Marie Curie in this way & always a great relief when the hammers goes down.

GARDEN PINK oil and pastel on board

GARDEN PINK oil and pastel on board 31cm x 45cm
Photo: Jeannette Hayes

Chelsea Arts Society 73rd Annual Exhibition

SEA FIELDS is one of two oil and pastel paintings I showed at the Chelsea Arts Society 73rd Annual Exhibition from 16 -20 June in Chelsea Town Hall.

Pastel Society Show at Chapel Arts, Cheltenham

GREEN SOUTHCOT is one of three works I showed at the Pastel Society Show held at Chapel Arts in Cheltenham from May 18 to July 31.

RADIANCE - Solo Show at Artwave West, Lyme Regis

Artwave West near Lyme Regis hosted a solo exhibition of my most recent work from 28 April to 20 May. EARTH SONG Pastel on paper 87.5 x 120.5cm (framed) was one of the works that sold.

Pastel Society Exhibition at Thompson's Gallery, Aldeburgh

Thomson's Gallery in Aldeburgh, Suffolk is hosting an exhibition of selected Pastel Society members' work at 175 High Street from Saturday, 16 April till 8 May 2022.

Nocturne is one of the works I'm showing.

Stepping Down

It has been my honour and privilege to serve as President of the Pastel Society but after five years the time felt right to step down from the role in Autumn 2021. Members were informed and invited to submit candidates to take my place. Votes for the candidates were then cast and it was Richard Rees who came out on top. After working closely with Richard as Vice-President I know he will bring both a real passion for pastels and a love of art in general to the role. I look forward to focussing on my work going forward, safe in the knowlege that the reins have been handed to someone of his calibre and experience.

Pastel Society Annual Exhibition 2021

Photo: Mall Galleries

This year's Pastel Society annual exhibition was due to take place from 26 January to 12 February, but COVID restrictions have resulted in it being exclusively online. It is my fifth exhibition as President of the Pastel Society and I am proud to say that in spite of a multitude of difficulties, it has also proved the most successful in terms of sales.

It is not always easy to appreciate the physical depth of the layers in a pastel picture, but this has not deterred collectors from going online and purchasing some of the works on offer at https://www.mallgalleries.org.uk/whats-on/exhibitions/pastel-society-annual-exhibition-2021. The online exhibition will continue until 10 April, so there is still plenty of time to check it out. As well as the art work, for your enjoyment there are also videos from various prize winners and one from our excellent opener, Gryff Rhys Jones!

Great Summer Art Auction for Marie Curie

Blue Seas Oil and pastel on paper

BLUE SEAS oil & pastel on paper 37 x 48 cm
Photo: Jeannette Hayes

I am proud to say this picture sold at Christies in September 2020 as part of the Great Summer Art Auction for Marie Curie.

Pastel Society Annual Exhibition 2020

Photo: Mall Galleries

In February 2020 I presided over the one hundred and twenty first annual exhibition of the Pastel Society (of which I have been President for four years now) at the Mall Galleries in London. I'm happy to report that it was a great success, in spite of inclement weather over two weekends.

The exhibition was opened by the indefatigably upbeat Paul Martin of Flog It! fame, who gave an inspiring speech and set a fabulous example by buying a piece that subsequently won a prize! A huge thank you to all who exhibited, attended and most importantly, purchased works.

© Jeannette Hayes PPPS   All rights reserved